Our primary goal is to become a reliable source of hay for all our customers. We buy all our hay from farmers in Arizona and California, making sure that they are of premium quality, and get them delivered to your barn. We make sure that we can forage the best possible quality for our bales of hay; hence, we meet leading professional growers in the industry and look into their latest crops, barns, and products’ quality. We also share contracts with our growers to ensure that there is always enough hay even through the off-season.

Teff hay, like Alfalfa Hay, is a perennial crop that is grown during the warm seasons. In fact, the harvest and growth of both types of crops are similar, and the Teff crop is mainly cultivated for livestock use and hay production.
Animals seem to love this crop due to the high palatability of the leafy stems it grows. Plus, it is high in protein and very nutritional for animals with health problems. Teff hay is fast growing and high yielding, which is why many hay suppliers like to harvest Teff hay for the feed value.

Bermuda hay is a perennial crop that is grown during the warm season. It is a sod-forming pasture forage plant, one of the essential crops for hay producers. Bermuda hay is a high-yielding crop that can give you about 7 tons per acre, as long as the conditions for growth are ideal.
It needs a lot of moisture and proper management of the crops during the cultivation period.

The primary purpose of cultivating Alfalfa is as a forage crop used for grazing and hay. You can also use it for silage, cover crop, and green manure. Among all the perennial forages, Alfalfa has the best value for feed and is, thus, the most grown crop for pasture forage.
This hay is an effective content in many animal rations, especially for breeding animals, growing animals like broodmares and adult working horses.